Sgt. Ciccotelli Puts Out "Roll Call". Retaliation For Asking To Move Off Sidewalk. For Public Safety

4 years ago

This is a new edit of an one of my forst video's that never broke 1,000 views but was one of my favorites. Plus it setup many other good videos because of the "Roll Call" Sergeant Ciccotelli put out on me. With public records I got that "Roll Call" email and found out about that email from another interaction later on. I hope you all enjoy!!!

On June 26th I was riding my bike back from the train station. I approached two Ipswich police officers at a speed trap. Officer Mayer number 52 or 5-2 (from a previous video) was one of the officers and the police sergeant Ciccotelli was parked illegally blocking the sidewalk causing people to have to walk or ride their bike in the street.

I parked my bike around the corner and started videotaping, I I asked him to move. Right away he went to the retaliation method and told me I need to follow Motor Vehicle Laws on my bicycle and circled back around once I made them disperse to see if I was riding my bike down a one-way Street the wrong way. He claims he's worried about my safety mean while he is parked blocking the sidewalk. These are two very popular methods police officers use. One claiming they are looking out for our safety so they can tell us what to do, the other retaliation when you call them out for their wrongdoing.
I appreciate the support!!! It is greatly appreciated!!! Donations are humbly accepted!!! Much Love, Respect And Appreciation!!!

Officer Mayer 5-2:

Lieutenant Sungy Assaults Me:

Multiple Shots Fired Party Down. Officer Regan Ignores Call To Write Me A Citation On My Bike:

Police Chief Paul Nikas violated Police Department policy and conflict-of-interest regulations regarding a domestic violence incident in October of 2013 involving his brother, Peter Nikas, then a sergeant on the police force.

Alfred P. Donovan, APD Management Inc., made the findings in an independent report the town commissioned and then released in May.

The same report found Ipswich police officer Mark Ruggiero also violated department policies and procedures and found both Ruggiero and fellow officer Michael Thomas “used poor judgment and made bad decisions” during the incident.

Peter Nikas has since resigned from the department and pleaded guilty April 14 to two counts of assault and battery against fellow Ipswich police officer Mark Ruggiero and to one count of malicious destruction of property under $250 in connection with the incident.

Donovan’s report draws a picture of an extended period of alcohol-fueled physical and verbal abuse Peter Nikas directed against his girlfriend Anne McLister, Ruggiero and Ruggiero’s girlfriend, Nancy Haas, that began the evening of Sunday, Oct. 27, 2013, and ended in the early-morning hours of Monday, Oct. 28, 2013.

On Nov. 5, 2013, both Ruggiero and Haas filled out citizens’ complaint forms against Peter Nikas “that clearly indicated and alleged the fact that Sergeant Peter Nikas was involved in a domestic violence during that time frame,” stated the report.

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