Morning Musings # 138 Trying to explain 3D & 5D within the human being. How to consistently Love! 😊

2 years ago

#3d #5d #multidimensionality #awareness #love #energetic #selflove #selflovejourney #ego #defensive #insecurities

This is just an off the cuff talk, I don't know if it will make a lot of sense as I am bumbling around quite a bit... if nothing else, just enjoy the energy. 😊

I saw a person earlier and they were practising to think and say nice things about themselves. It's an early step, an early stage toward self love, that's actually how it begins. I wanted to make a video about Self Love!

It's a confusing topic it seems for a lot of people and I am going to try and see if I can bring some clarity to it. Now this is just from my personal point of awareness, I am not saying this is absolutely the way it is. I am just sharing MY awareness of it, my experience with it. And if it doesn't resonate with you, just leave it. It doesn't matter. But I want to put this out there in hopes that I can alleviate some of the confusion.

And it relates to this whole concept we hear about 3D, 4D, 5D - we never mention 1D and 2D. The 'D' is for dimensionality, we are multi-dimensional beings.

And from within the awareness that I have now, this goes back to what they teach in Eastern Mysticism and Hinduism - and I am not a Hindu, but it's a truth that overlaps into the different religions and they just express it differently.

The number 5 is representative, not only do we have 5 senses - smell, taste, touch, hear and see, but there are 5 sense bodies that make up the human being. Picture yourself like a Russian Doll, there is 5 versions of you in your being. I am gonna try and enumerate them if I can remember them, one is the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and psychological. Something along that line, there are five different... personas is a bad word... I don't know the right word to use. There is 5 dimensions to us, and so in my understanding 1D to 5D relates to the five dimensions of the human energy body/being.

So how do we self love when there is 5 of us, five versions, five dimensions? At first, we begin with entertaining the thought... in expression of... to perceive good things about us. I mean all of us came into the world and we had our self worth knocked out of us... like we were just human trash, as far as that goes. But that is only a one dimensional, 1D awareness. If you see the human being only as trash and sinful and wicked, that is the lowest awareness that we can hold.

So how do we begin to love? We can do it through self affirmation, and that is where it has to start. To break through the barrier of self loathing and actually recognise characteristics about ourselves that are beautiful and valuable and worthy. And every part of us is worthy of love.

So we are here looking at Self Love. What is self love? It's not so much the things that we do for our body, although it is part of it... but it is not the only expression of self love. If you take your hot baths, and you have your oils and your smells and your candles and all that, that is only one layer of self love and you are giving your physical body love. Which is very necessary I am not discounting any of it.

But when we get into the deeper levels, the deeper levels where we need to apply self love is emotionally and psychologically. That is where our deepest shadows are, where we are lacking self-worth, because of what we have been told. And so, that takes some work to undo and uproot, the old programming of having been told "you are stupid", "you are worthless" and usually there was actions, abuse and punishment that goes along with it that reinforced this idea. It's very difficult to come out of that, but it is not impossible.

And the goal is that we come to the wholeness through self-love on all five levels.

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