認識撒但儀式虐待和解離性身分障礙 第六堂 / Bringing Awareness to SRA/DID Session#6 (Doug Riggs & Amanda Buys)

2 years ago

October 6, 2018 -
Bringing Awareness to SRA & DID / Session #6
Free download at https://www.dougriggs.org/SRA-DID-Res...

Lori (Doug's wife) brings an edifying and encouraging word and personal testimony as to her experiences during this opportunity to be involved in the work of our Lord and Savior as we are workers together with Him. Roly (Amanda's husband) shares a word about sacrifice and living in the fullness of our life in Christ. Amanda continues her teaching which includes an understanding of the human brain; Neshamah, the image of God within us, the lamp of the Lord; a presentation of "The Tower" by Annie Herring; Doug closes with the hope and expectation that what Satan stole will be used to slay him in the end - the ultimate payday / justice.




A John Mark Video Production

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