Channel Zer0 - Season 3 - Episode 21: We Are Not A Democracy featuring Justin Durand

2 years ago

Does it feel like the tides are shifting to you too? Somethings happening...could it finally be the Great Awakening?

Even though these crooks at the FDA approved the EUA for the jab for 6 month olds, the calculated destruction of our supply chain continues, and the sham January 6th Hearing trudges on, it looks like the Deep State is winning but are they really?

We are winning the war on the second amendment, saving life in the womb, and the latest witness in the show trial has already been called out for being a fraud, and guess what? Q is back...they are panicking. Which is why they are doing things like the Future Framework for new vaccines, threatening another pandemic, giving Ghislaine Maxwell only 20 years, and turning up the juice on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN to full strength to shift the Earth's timeline.

Plus we are learning the truth behind SADS and the potential reason for all the blood clots, strokes, myocarditis...the lipid nanoparticles themselves.

Oh yeah, and we've been lied to - don't let anyone fool you - the USA is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, and you'll see why. We didn't miss a beat Patriots - join the movement!

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