09 Guard pass progression - Understand the concept and add to your game immediately Jiu-Jitsu

1 year ago

During this seminar I made sure everyone understood this great concept on guard passing and showed how it can be done from different levels. Once you got the idea, I can start to give option based on the previous movements.
I WASN´T GOING ON THIS DIRECTION, but the students asked how I could connect this to take the back and I showed my favorite way. Please watch the entire sequence to get a complete understanding of what Im talking about.

Follow me on Instagram @FelipeCostaBJJ

If you are interested in going deeper in some of my teaching methods, please take a look on the link of my BIO or at this links:

PASSING TO THE BACK: https://bjjfanatics.com/products/passing-to-the-back-by-felipe-costa

Y GUARD https://bjjfanatics.com/products/the-y-guard-by-felipe-costa

CONTROLLING THE BACK FOR DUMMIES: https://bjjfanatics.com/products/controlling-the-back-position-by-felipe-costa

Pasajes imparables a la Media Guardia: https://www.seminarioss.com/courses/Pasajes-imparables-a-la-media-guardia

If you enjoy the content I have been putting up, consider join my Patreon, it will motivate me to share even more videos: https://www.patreon.com/felipecosta

Also consider join my Online Library, where you can sign up for free and have access to all techniques I teach in my seminars: https://brazilianblackbelt.com/positions

This seminar was filmed during our BJJ CAMP in Cancun, in the year 2014, the person helping me to show was Ricardo Delariva.

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