Drone Flying - First TinyHawk 2 Flight

4 years ago

This was the first time I flew the EMax TinyHawk 2.0 around. I had to flash and tweak the settings and since the new BetaFlight kind of brings up some issues with old Stock CLI Dumps the flipping rates and pids were a little low on this day. That is why there is not that many flips and tricks. I had to fly pretty high up just to complete a front or back flip. I've been tweaking settings and getting load files from other pilots to test. Still learning all this. It is all way different from sims but getting the hang of it. This is going to be the last super long video like this lol. I'm starting to just save the best tricks and lines from my flights. Gonna start making edits of my progress. The TinyHawk 2.0 is now my favorite since I ended up fixing it up.

At the end of the video for anyone wondering. I crashed and sometimes when you crash the Flight Controller can glitch out. I had no pitch forward for some reason and my camera tilt got changed. So the last part was me struggling to get the drone back to me lol.

EMax USA TinyHawk 2.0 (1s & 2s / BetaFlight)

EMAX E6 Transmitter

EMAX Transporter

Video Record:
FrySky USB Receiver

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All sound was created by the Tinyhawk.



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