WTAF Happened to Sydney Sutherland?!?

4 years ago

#sydneysutherland #quakelewellyn #capitalmurder

25 year old Sydney Sutherland mysteriously went missing in the early evening hours of 8/19/2020, while jogging near her home. A UPS driver confirmed seeing Sydney out on her run, near County Road 41 in the Newport/Grubb area of #JacksonCountyArkansas. Tragically, Sydney was found buried on farmland during the afternoon of 8/21/2020. Quake Lewellyn has confessed to being responsible for Sydney’s death, but his confession doesn’t seem to match what the public knows at this time. Currently, Quake Lewellyn is charged with capital murder, which is punishable by death. Join us as we break down the dynamics surrounding the tragic and unthinkable murder of Sydney.

Follow our unfolding threads on Sydney’s case here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486875512157494/?ref=share

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