Zeus was the abomination. Apollo/Apollyon, son of Zeus, AC? Abaddon/A Bad Don. Revelation 9/11.

2 years ago

Did you know the image of Zeus within the temple was the abomination the Bible talks about? Was the prophet Ezekiel, thousands of years ago, given a vision of a secret masonic mass ritual inside the soon-to-be-built future temple? 9/11 both WAS and IS a Revelation. Revelation 9 speaks of Apollyon/Abaddon, the coming Lord of the Pit...is the Statue of Liberty in reality a statue of Apollo built by Masons? Is Trump a member of the Golden Dawn? Is he "a bad Don"? Are ALL Vatican and Catholic statues pagan gods?!?! On coins - which (g)od, exactly, does it mean with the phrase "In God We Trust"? The antichrist is coming. But - do you know who else is coming? JESUS CHRIST. All Glory to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. If your faith is in someone OTHER THAN Jesus Christ, I pray that you have a change of heart quickly. Because The End is coming at Warp Speed.

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