2 years ago

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In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt discusses the monumental Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade. (What's that you were saying, Catholic Never Trumpers?)

But, wait, there's more! French President Emanuel Macron loses big in parliamentary vote, Governor Ron DeSantis to make religious services "essential" in times of pandemic, and the Supreme Court strikes down a major anti-Second Amendment measure.

And if you're still not too tired of winning, what about this? Donald Trump credits God for the SCOTUS decision, Clarence Thomas says Obergefell is next, and a pro-life mother of six discusses a new app that will take Planned Parenthood to the mat.

Plus, Archbishop Hebda of the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis takes to the streets in defense of the rights of unborn women and the decision to overturn Roe.

Babies win, pro-aborts lose, blessed be the Name of the Lord. Listen to Michael Matt's podcasts:
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1AdkCDFfR736CqcGw2Uvd0
APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-michael-j-matt-show/id1563298989
GOOGLE: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yZW1uYW50LXR2LmNvbS9mZWVkLz9jYXROYW1lPXRoZS1taWNoYWVsLWotbWF0dC1zaG93

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