Beware! In the Twinkling of an Eye, Your World Could Be an Apocalyptic Nightmare!

2 years ago

#Rapture #Famine #SecondComing #earthquakes
If you clicked on this video, chances are you've noticed that something very strange is going on. You know that things aren’t quite right and you want to get to the bottom of it. Whether it be political instability, pandemics, wars and rumors of wars, natural disasters or people acting more irrationally than you could ever have imagined, you’ve probably come to the conclusion that these oddities are more than just coincidence. And You would be right. For the last 3000 years, men of God have recorded in writing the very things that are unfolding before your very eyes, wondrous and terrifying things that will continue to worsen until the return of Christ. Jesus mentioned there would be an Increase in wars and violence. VOILA!

‘Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.’ In addition to the wars raging in Ukraine, Yemen and all over the world, we have rumors of a conflict with China that would likely lead to world war 3 if Russia doesn’t start it first. But I’ll leave that for another day. I want to talk about the natural signs that Jesus spoke of. In this massive prophecy, the Bible records Jesus’ words in Matthew and Luke. He said, (Luke 21.10-11)

‘And there will be great earthquakes in various places and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.’

Last week, Afghanistan was shook with a quake that killed over 1100 people, the worst in 20 years. Statistics show a significant increase in earthquakes all over the world in the last 50 years, with a tremendous increase in seismic activity, earthquakes and volcanoes, taking place right now. Starting in 2020 there have been significant earthquakes in the Croatian capital Zagreb, Bali, Indonesia, China, New Zealand, Japan, Iran, Myanmar, Honduras, the Kermadic islands in the Indian ocean, Salt Lake City, Idaho and Alaska. Also in the Philippines, the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia and the central Pacific area. There have been volcanic eruptions at Mt Etna, Krakatoa, Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru, Hawaii, Mexico, the Kamchatka peninsula, and concern over growing volcanic activity around Iceland’s capitol. Even weird places like Georgia and South Carolina have been hit recently. Notably, there have been minor earthquakes in Israel, where the great earthquake of God’s final wrath will take place.

If all these earthquakes aren’t convincing, Jesus also mentioned famine, as did John the Revelator. John said:

‘So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine”’. This of course means a days wage will not buy a days food, which of course means starvation. Mass starvation is predicted by the WEF, and many world leaders and governments.

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