Success Bias: NOC saga is a path to hell.

3 years ago

My last video on Why Ryan (NOC) is a Coward had way more views that I had expected. This had stirred a great temptation within me to create ANOTHER video on the NOC saga.

However, being someone who observe people closely, I saw the pitfall into doing that. Lest I want to be Amos Yee, Roy Ngerng or PJ Thum.

Success Bias is a real phenomena where people double down on something that had given them some small success - which becomes that "light at the end of the tunnel" that one would believe would lead them to somewhere - commonly imagined to be success in life.

But history of various infamous people (and famous youtube channels) had shown that, success bias tends to be a gateway to hell.

It is important to think carefully what we want to invest ourselves into, and not double down into something, you actually dont have passion for, just for the sake of success/progress.

But if you must, the previous video link is here:

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