Katty Kay ON What People Will Vote On For The Midterms: 'The Economy Is Trumping Everything'

2 years ago

Katy Kay addresses what will drive voters in the 2020 election, telling Morning Joe that $5/gal gas is what will send people to the polls in November.


KAY: “I think you’re right, Joe. And we’re probably only talking about the margins and probably only talking about a few districts and only a few states. I spent the last month traveling around the country and the only thing people are talking about when I ask them what they’re going to vote on in the midterms is $5 a gallon for gas. That was even the case over the course of this weekend. I was in Pennsylvania during the weekend, and when the ruling came out and I spent the time talking to an abortion provider, a doctor who actually said, ‘Look, there’s a potential that this galvanizes the other side, too, in a state like Pennsylvania.’ Yes, it might galvanize some Democrats, it may persuade some independents to get out and vote Democratic, but make no mistake that it’s going to be a galvanizing factor on the right as well because they see a state like Pennsylvania and they look at the gubernatorial race there and the chance that Pennsylvania, if a Republican wins the governor’s mansion in November, could also ban abortion and you’ll get — you’ll get pro life conservatives turning out to vote in bigger numbers too. So, it could galvanize people on both sides. Democrats are certainly hoping that come November, this boosts their numbers in critical districts and critical states. The moment, my reading from traveling around the country is that the economy is trumping everything, and in November, if there’s still a momentum there, even though over the course of this weekend we heard the outrage, we heard men, women, families, everybody, all Democrats turning out, appalled and saying that they will vote on this. But it’s the only option Democrats have, right? They have to say they’re going to get turnout up, because what else do they have to run on? What else do they have to say about this?”


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