Human Nature and Socialism: Thought Slime Debunked

4 years ago

Human nature and socialism are two things that most certainly do not go together, as I have argued numerous times before in the past and even in a more recent response I did on The Finnish Bolshevik's argument, I covered on the humanitarian argument.

Economics is a subject that is grossly misunderstood and in the past have had the argument claiming that humanity is more important than economics. As I argued before and again in this video, it simply isn't the case.

@Thought Slime much like Viki 1999 really doesn't understand capitalism and the importance of the consumer driving production, he assumes that business owners can just set prices freely as they wish and the consumers can't do anything about it. Again, it's purely based off of theory with nothing to back it with, not only does the real world contradict those arguments, a free market economy most certainly would.

Thought Slime really gives an insight into the mentality of Marxists, however, especially when he states that people 'have' to share, implying the use of force. How he can claim that socialism is compassionate is beyond belief, given the fact that the premise of his argument is based around force and it is sad that I have to reiterate the fact that you cannot place theory above practice.

This is a common theme you'll find in all arguments with socialists, they don't live in the real world, their entire argument for socialism is purely based off of theory and no real world examples. It is all about their aspirations, much like Thought Slime argues, but none of them can really tell you how they set about achieving their goals. They ignore that in practice economic reality defies them and in the process of getting rid of the private sector there is no real answer as to how the state is going to just wither away.

Note the fact that in order to get rid of the private sector you require a specific type of character, a type of leader to reach that goal and the only type capable of doing so who have the gall just so happen to be the very dictators like that similar in ilk to the Nicholas Maduro's of the world, which explains a lot for why it always ends in totalitarianism.

The arguments Thought Slime uses against capitalism are fallacious also and there really is no strong foundation to his argument for why socialism pertains to human nature.

His theory would require the moneyless based economy, again, I've argued numerous times before which you can check out my 3 videos on the Economic Calculation Problem that cover extensively destroying his argument of socialism:

• profits and losses:

• variety of options:

• Economic Calculation Problem (Extended):

The economic calculation problem goes a long way to explain that in the process of nationalising industry to get rid of the private sector it leads on the road of an evermore self-serving government, it cannot possibly work out people's needs and wants in the absence of the information of profits and losses.

Thought Slime fails to comprehend the fact that as a result of the economic calculation problem it means that jobs end up being allocated into the wrong parts of the market, which explains why governments are so famous for being wasteful building things out of its own self-interest whilst neglecting the consumer. Also, government doesn't create jobs, it destroys more than it creates, it simply reallocates resources into the wrong parts of the market creating waste when such resources and wealth could be allocated into parts of the market in greater demand where jobs would be better suited.

The misallocation of resources inevitably will lead to job losses and worthless jobs that lead to nothing. Just look at the Soviet Union and all the waste it created as what they produced was left to waste. Again, automation cannot fix the problem nor can automation read the human mind.

In the real world, when the private sector is eliminated the economy would go into collapse, and even attempting a moneyless based economy would result in extreme poverty, people would lose the will to live and I have to repeat again that personal ownership of property has absolutely nothing at all to do with socialism and communal ownership. Communal ownership defies the entire meaning of personal ownership. Like the pilgrims in the Starving Time between 1607 and 1609 in Jamestown that starved to death, the starvation was caused by the communal ownership, the absence of secure private property rights.

Lo and behold, once the individuals were given their own private lot the colonies immediately began to prosper because then they were able to finally work for the fruits of their own labour. People like Thought Slime are a great danger to humanity because what he proposes deems to repeat history where millions would starve to death.


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