What ELSE Happened At The Supreme Court?

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time"

MORE than Roe... one of the BIGGEST weeks for Supreme Court Cases. Shawn Carney & Brent Haynes weigh in.

ALSO – Why is the President and Oil Exec’s going back and forth over who is to blame for high gas prices? Charlie Spiering from Breitbart joins us.
At least 46/7 illegal aliens found dead in a trailer in San Antonio, and death toll may climb higher... 18 taken to hospitals. No mention of the criminals who did this!
Historic Catholic church in West Virginia burned to the ground after Roe reversal
New York Supreme Court strikes down law that allowed non-citizens to vote
Supreme Court upholds Christian coach's right to pray at games

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What’s Concerning Us – Catching up
Shawn Carney – 40 Days for Life – Roe v Wade
Pentagon doubles down on abortion
Call for Federal Land for abortion in states that banned it.
La. Judge blocked pro-life laws
How does this change the mission and campaigns of 40 Days for Life?

Guest Seg. Charlie Spiering – White House Correspondent at Breitbart - Biden and Oil CEOs
What’s behind the tit-for-tat between Biden and Oil Execs?
Why does Biden think he can command gas stations lower prices?
What are the causes of higher gas prices?
What can the oil companies do to help? Why won’t they do it?
What are his emergency war powers?
How is this a “war?”
No support for gas-tax holiday... why not?

2nd Guest Seg. Brent Haynes – a HUGE haul from the Supreme Court this past week.
Main – School Choice
NY – Gun permits
Coach Kennedy – Praying at games
Dobbs – Overturned Roe
What else?

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