Natural Battery Technologies launches Li-ion inverter batteries with solar power storage

2 years ago

These lithium-ion-based inverter batteries store high volumes of power with a range of steady output that ranges from 1kVA to 50kVA; thus, they are ideal for use as UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply). They are safe to keep in any setting and can last up to ten times longer than Lead Acid alternatives.
ETAuto June 20, 2022, 13:31 IST
New Delhi: Battery manufacturer, Natural Battery Technologies today launched lithium-ion (Li-ion) based inverter batteries for home and commercial use that also doubles up as a solar-energy storage system. It can function as a small home inverter to a large-scale grid energy storage system.

These lithium-ion-based inverter batteries store high volumes of power with a range of steady output that ranges from 1kVA to 50kVA; thus, they are ideal for use as UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply). They are safe to keep in any setting and can last up to ten times longer than Lead Acid alternatives.
According to Puneet Jain, Founder, of Natural Battery Technologies, “The ideology of Natural Battery Technologies since inception has been to create sustainable and clean energy that does not compromise performance output. Our breakthrough innovations in Li-ion technology have been a major differentiator for us in this space.

Li-ion batteries are also leakproof and spill-proof; they work efficiently as Telecom Tower Energy Storage, GIS Backup batteries, etcetera; They offer customization with respect to the battery storage capacity as desired by the client.

“Our new inverter batteries have been developed as a safer alternative to lead-acid batteries that are not hazardous to the environment and have a very short life span than our Li-ion batteries, which last five times longer. Made for both home and commercial use, these are lean machines of solar energy storage with optimal power outflow,” added Saurabh Patawari, Co-founder of Natural Battery Technologies.

Dr. V Krishnamurthy, former chairman and managing director of Maruti Udyog (now Maruti Suzuki) passed away today at the age of 97. He was based in Chennai. Dr. Krishnamurthy was appointed vice-chairman and managing director, of Maruti Udyog in 1981, soon after the Government formed the company.

Dr. Kirhnamurthy moved to Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) in 1985 but was the non-executive of Maruti Udyog till 1990. He also held key positions in public sector undertakings, and in the Government, such as Secretary, Ministry of Industry, Chairman & CEO, SAIL, and Chairman & CEO, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Member, Planning Commission to name a few.

“He was a wonderful, great individual. His achievements everybody knows about,” R C Bhargava, Chairman, Maruti Suzuki told ETAuto. Bhargava credits Dr. Krishnamurthy for his entry into the industry. “I can honestly say that my coming into the industry, and changing my career from the IAS to the industrial side is entire because of him (Dr. Krishnamurthy),” says Bhargava.

Dr. Kirhnamurthy was the Managing Director of Maruti Udyog which was a pet project of late Congress leader Sanjay Gandhi, son of then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

Bhargava was appointed in Maruti Udyog as OSD (Officer on Special Duty) till the post of Director – marketing was created in the company. He also had a stint at BHEL, which is also credited to Dr. Krishnamurthy.

Dr. Krishnamurthy was the Managing Director of Maruti Udyog which was a pet project of late Congress leader Sanjay Gandhi, son of then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.~
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