Teal Swan Defense : Testimonial Deep End "hit piece"

2 years ago

PLEASE NOTE: Make sure when sending communications to the aforementioned people, make sure to say: You shall limit your communication to writing at the ABOVE address only. Respondent will accept only YOUR written communication. Do NOT send any communication from a BAR member, as they are interlopers and have no personal first-hand knowledge in this matter, and doing so will result in a BAR grievance filed against them. ( which is very easy to do and highlighted in pervious video)
I want to thank everyone for your support and If you were a witness I invite you to do the same as soon as possible.
The LAW Class "WIN IN COURT" Is what I'm taking Link Below
Also: I spoke to Bits on videophone BEFORE attending the retreat and she completely bold face lied about her intentions for filming the workshop.
Teal Swan and team : you can reach out to me via email conversationpeace@protonmail.com
Check out my website :https://conversationpeace.life/unlearn
My youtube is NOT monetized donate to my pay pal (its on https://conversationpeace.life/start) Support Free Speech & Freedom!
Uncensored Video Content: https://rumble.com/user/ConversationP...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/conversatio...
Minds : https://www.minds.com/conversationpeace/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SylvanaSays
Don't forget to support freedom: Your Freedom protects me & my Freedom protects you!
Crack the code book : https://www.losthorizons.com/cc.htm
Or take the Jurisdictionary "Win in Court" They have a referral program and the course will help us and help yourself! You could in theory get the course for free using the referral program.
Win in Court: https://www.howtowinincourt.com/frame...

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