2 years ago



This is one of the first songs I ever remember hearing

I was a kid with my parents at a restaurant in Cabo San Lucas Mexico and the Mariachi band played it

For the longest time I thought it was “One Ton Tomato” and then I thought it was “Juan Talladega” 😂

And now… as far as i can tell… its about a pretty Cuban girl dancing in the countryside of Guantanamo

I did my best to get the pronunciation correct 😂


Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera
Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera
Yo soy un hombre sincero
De donde crece la palma
Y antes de morir yo quiero
Echar mis versos del alma


No me pongan en lo oscuro
A morir como un traidor
Yo soy bueno y como bueno
Moriré de cara al sol


Con los pobres de la tierra
Quiero yo mi suerte echar
El arroyo de la sierra
Me complace más que el mar


Tiene el leopardo un abrigo
En su monte seco y pardo
Yo tengo más que el leopardo
Porque tengo un buen amigo

Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera

Lyrics in English

I am a sincere man
From where the palm grows
And before dying I want
To release my verses from my soul

Don't put me in the dark
To die like a traitor
I am good and like a good man
I'll die with my face in the sunlight

With the poor people of the earth
I want to place my luck16
The stream of the mountain ranges
Pleases me more than the sea

The leopard has a shelter21
In his dry and brown mountain
I have more than the leopard
Because I have a good friend

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