This Is When Babies Can Start Eating Fish: MUST Watch Before Feeding Your Baby Fish

4 years ago

When Can Babies Start Eating Fish? Fish can be an essential part of your baby’s diet because it can provide them high nutrients for firmer muscles. The perfect time to feed them with fish is around 4 to 6 months old where they are allowed to eat solid food.

However, if your baby has a food allergy, then better see a pediatrician first before feeding them. Unfortunately, fish is one of the top allergic foods which is why most doctors can recommend you start feeding your babies some traditional solid foods instead, such as pureed meat, cereal, and fruits.

According to The American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Allergy and Immunology, most babies have mild eczema that either be inherited from their parents or they simply have sensitive skin.

But in time, this mild eczema will eventually heal once your baby has taken enough vitamins and minerals to shield them from unwanted illnesses and disease.

Guidelines In Feeding Your Babies Fish
Babies can eat fish because of its soft texture and fish is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which is responsible for brain and skin enhancement.

Even if fish is listed in top allergy foods, still delaying your babies’ diet might also do no good for them. Only with moderation and a perfect time suggested by the pediatrician you can feed your baby.

Research strongly suggests that eating fish as early as 4 months old can prevent allergic diseases, like asthma, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and eczema. At the age of 6 months old, babies have a growing ability to learn and explore different flavors and texture of the foods they are taking.

Your pediatrician might give another alternative, that depends solely on your baby’s needs. A lot of conservative pediatricians can suggest waiting for the baby to turn to 1-year old for fish consumption and a possible delay of until 3 years old to try out other kinds of seafood like shellfish, crustaceans, and shrimps, especially if there’s a family history of allergy against these foods.

Best Fish For The Babies
You can give your baby a well-mashed fish from 6 months onwards and they won’t be having problems chewing it, unlike poultry meats. The texture of the fish is mostly soft and tender.

When you give them fish, make sure that it’s cooked properly and meticulously, especially when removing bones. The best fish to prepare for them would be mackerel, salmon, and sardines which are filled with Omega-3 fatty acids and low levels of mercury and other harmful chemicals.

Tuna, even though rich in protein and Omega-3, is also high in mercury, so you would have to refrain from it.

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