20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 76)

2 years ago

0:00 - Intro
1. 0:24 {The “What is a Woman?” Bandwagon} Do you think that the now famous question "What is a Woman?" is a relevant area of focus for biblical Christians? Doesn't the Gospel naturally address these issues we face today?
2. 18:54 {Helping Friends be Biblical} Most of my friends claim to be Christians, but they support “pride month.” It depresses me that they encourage gay marriage which the Bible clearly says is a sin. How do I talk to them about this?
3. 25:16 {Friends vs. Servants of Christ?} In John 15: 15, Jesus tells the apostles, “No longer do I call you servants, but friends.” How do we properly approach our position as “friends of Jesus” while not neglecting to still serve Him?
4. 29:01 {Is John 1 about the Bible?} What does John 1:1-4 say about the importance of the Bible? Should we worship the Bible? Some say they won't read the Bible, but at the same time say they are Christian.
5. 34:37 {Are there Sins we Really Can’t Help Doing?} How can I reconcile 1 Corinthians 10: 13 after decades of struggling with sloth, bad work ethic, sin at work, etc.? I’m praying for forgiveness, but was recently diagnosed with ADHD. I now see I can’t help it without meds.
6. 41:26 {Was the Bible Written w/Chapters & Verses?} Since the Bible wasn't written with chapters and verses, how should that impact our reading of the current translations?
7. 43:40 {Why Don’t the Jews Believe?} What is your understanding as to why the Jews don’t believe in Jesus and are waiting on someone else to come?
8. 49:59 {About Receiving the Spirit} If we are to believe that you receive the Holy Spirit when you believe, why does there seem to be a separation from believing and receiving in Acts 19:1-2?
9. 52:12 {Are Cards Inherently Sinful?} Are playing cards wrong? My parents think they are wrong even if I’m not playing Poker or anything like that. They think that there is some kind of evil in the card itself.
10. 56:40 {Will We Fall into Sin in Heaven?} If Satan was able to disobey and sin against God in Heaven (along with him persuading others to sin), how do we know we will not sin against God when we are home with Him? I’m struggling with this question.
11. 1:01:07 {Should Christians be Organ Donors?} I am wondering how Christians should think about organ donation? Is there a clear answer in Scripture?
12. 1:03:43 {Loving God vs. Fearing Punishment} I find that I fear Hell rather than love God. Prayer and Bible reading feel like selfishly avoiding Hell more than devotedly pursuing God. How do I stop my fear from getting in the way of my relationship with God?
13. 1:08:37 {Marriage in Heaven?} Since Jesus says that wives will be had in Heaven in Matthew 19: 29, why do most Christians say marriage won't exist in Heaven?
14. 1:13:42 {Mental vs. Spiritual Health Struggles} When I talk to some people about my mental health struggles, they suggest that the cause is a spiritual issue. How do I explain that being a faithful Christian doesn't mean I can't struggle?
15. 1:17:42 {What is an Apostate?} What is an apostate? Can they come back to God?
16. 1:19:32 {About Elisha & the Bears} How can we explain 2 Kings 2: 23-24 in context? it involves Elisha and a group of young mockers who then get killed by 2 bears.
17. 1:26:58 {Should Immoral Things Be Illegal?} Should biblically immoral mean illegal? Surely if sin harms the community, then all legal sin harms society and should be against the law.
18. 1:29:28 {Fellowshipping as an Introvert} I am worried that being an introvert is keeping me from congregating in the church. Does this mean that I'm truly not saved? Where is the joy that I'm supposed to have in the Lord? Please help.
19. 1:33:05 {Was Elihu in Job Correct?} In Job 32:7-9, the Lord tells Job’s 3 friends to sacrifice burnt offerings because they haven’t spoken truth, but the Lord didn’t mention Elihu. Does that mean Elihu was correct in his speech?
20. 1:35:03 {Saved while Believing Heresy?} Can someone be saved without affirming certain correct propositions? If someone holds a believe that is heretical (to believe it would prevent salvation) but they are ignorant, are they saved?

JWs die every year because of what they are taught about blood transfusions. Here's what they teach, why it's wrong and how the Governing Board has abused JWs on this topic -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QJhS...

The good and bad stuff the Bible says about alcohol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRpA4...

My video on dealing with depression https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KspwQ...

My playlist of teachings going verse by verse through the book of Romans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRwWL...

The teaching in the Gospel of Mark where I explain why not all mental issues are demonic. https://youtu.be/t-vHAAHX8Dw

Here's me on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/mikewinger/...

Me on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@mikewinger2?l...


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