The days of Noah are certainly here

2 years ago

The days of Noah are certainly here, I should know I was there.

And let me tell you, it was just as disgusting then, as it is now!

But one thing surely they have in common, and I wish they didn't.

Back then Jesus wasn't around yet, but now it's like he still isn't, because no one remembers him, or even talks about him.

Very saddening how man's evolution from then to now, has not changed in the least bit.

Man could have ruled this world, if they only had known the TRUTH!

But man allowed, filthy, slimy, ugly, and smelly reptilians to surpass, and rule over them!

For the simple lack of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.

Man has come down to the bottom of the food chain, under ugly reptilian snakes/fallen angels.

Worst of all, man doesn't even realize, they are the main diet, and food source of these reptilians.

There's a network of tunnels in the sewers...

Many people go missing each and everyday, never to be heard of again like they just vanished into thin air!

Remember the milk cartons, that would post children's faces that were missing!

The government is fully aware why people are missing, and that's why it's never talked about, or mentioned.

It's a dirty secret that was negotiated between the reptilians, and the humans that serve them!

By using mind control, drugs, and technology, it is fairly easy for the reptilians to control the masses.

But we are now in the end times, but good still exists, and is why the 144,000 is here!!!

The 144,000 is heaven's elite special forces, headed by me their Commander Archangel Michael.

We are here to spread the truth! We are here to keep the name of Jesus alive!

Only through Jesus, can mankind achieve salvation.

That salvation is your passageway back, to The Pleroma/Heaven.

We will be the last to leave earth, during the 3rd and final ascension/rapture.

Then we shall return with Christ my Father Pistis Faith leading the way, to the final battle of armageddo.

Jesus will be on one side of my Father, and I will be on the other side of my Father.

The 144, 000 heavens special elite forces, and heavens army will follow.

Wisdom Sophia/The Holy Spirit, will ride within our hearts and spirits, with her holiness blessings of the rightful Queen, and Mother of The Pleroma/Heaven.

We shall ride into are final spiritual war, are final spiritual battle, where once and for all, the Light, will put out the darkness forever!!!

Archangel Michael
The Supernatural Demon Hunter
"In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand."

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