7-11 Devin Gourmet - Double Pork w/ Alcoholic Pineapple & Cheese

4 years ago

Living in Thailand as an American we do crave American food and other types. There is a 7-11 about every few blocks here. I go into to see what's new if anything. Some of the SUPER 7-11's carry different types. Small ones have the ones I have re-engineered for possible failing taste buds. When you take them home and juice 'em up they aren't to bad. Beats McYouKnowWho.

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If you buy these burgers and have a place with a refrigerator & chopping block you can do all this. Microwave helps but if you got to fry; then fry. You go into a 7-11 and need a burger they'll nuke it for you. You want it to taste good?

7-11 Gourmet Devin has the blanks filled in.

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