Prepare For War - Part 3 - Pastor Jason Henderson

4 years ago

Review From Part 1 & 2:

God has a divine family. This is a heavenly counsel made of elohim.
This counsel of elohim are tasked with carrying out God’s decrees.
God also has a human family that mirrors His divine family.
The human family is made in the image of God and is tasked to carry out His decrees on earth.
Heaven and Earth are connected and yet they are separate.
Both realms have experienced rebellion because of free will.

Part 3- God's Earthly Family
God Deals With The Fallen Family

Genesis 3:1-5

Seeing This Event Through Ancient Eyes:

No Egyptian, for example, would have presumed that the animals they experienced in their normal lives could talk. But when the gods or magical forces were in view, that was a different story. Animals were often the vehicle for manifesting a divine presence or power in a story. The kind of animal would often depend on characteristics associated with that animal, or on the status of that animal in a culture’s religion.

Heiser, Michael S.. The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible (pp. 73-74). Kindle Edition.

The enemy in the garden was supernatural.

Looking beyond the literal snake.

The serpent ( nachash ) was an image commonly used in reference to a divine throne guardian. Given the context of Eden, that helps identify the villain as a divine being. The divine adversary dispenses divine information, using it to goad Eve.

When the serpent is cursed (Genesis 3) to crawl on its belly, it was a reference of being cast down.

Heiser, Michael S.. The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible (p. 88). Kindle Edition.

2 Corinthians 11:3

1 Thessalonians 3:5

Revelation 12:9

Our enemy is not snakes, our enemy is Satan.

God Determines To Save The Fallen Family

Genesis 3:15

This is called “The First Gospel”

This is God declaring war on Satan.

This is God dismantling Satans work

The seed of Satan: Satan has a family too.

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 (The Parable of the Wheat and Tares)

The seed of Eve: This is Israel and eventually the Messiah, Jesus.

The head of the serpent: Is a reference to Satan being destroyed.

The heel of the Messiah: He will suffer pain in the process.


This promise brings an expectation of a Redeemer throughout the OT.

This promise brings perimeters by which God will fulfill His promise.

This promise explains why the would is going crazy, Satan is at work.

This promise predicts and prophesied who will win this war…God!


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