Many Small Pots Lead TO Decent Wins In Poker - Kyle Fischl Poker Vlog Ep 103

2 years ago

Hello World,

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This is the next episode of my poker vlog. I played 2/5 No limit Texas Hold'em at Orange City Racing and Card Club. In this session I won 700 and played a lot of small hands to lead to this result. Off camera a ran flopped trips into a full house to get stacked and then got it all back and then some a few hours later. Sometimes run bad can include the times you choose to film verse put the camera away. Either way there will be more poker to come next week.

For any additional information on the , Pokerbros club, meet up games, or RadPoker message me on Instagram or Telegram
IG: kyle_fischl
Twitter: FischlKyle
Telegram: http//

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