siri needs a therapist: ag is the right one for the job

2 years ago

mean comments...
degenerate rap music hahaha
you don't have to like my music taste
i don't idolize anyone
it's possible for blacks to make non-degenerate music
such a true statement right here that will offend many
based off stats, this depiction is quite accurate
an entire genre of music devoted to promoting that kinda image of an entire race
what if jazz is totally degenerate
alcohol n drugs were definitely involved haha
maybe i woulda hated any era
miserable due to time period nothing else
nostalgic people will always look back
God put me in this time period for a reason
luddite so naturally annoyed with this age
modernity fuck that shit
my friend judson took that picture of the ocean
wendys oh my goodness
aim less channel was still pretty authentic
robert frost liberal always
we see it from too many different angles to settle for one stinkin opinion
twisting my thinking on purpose
explanations are kinda important, man
most just follow commands for various reasons, mainly fomo
stab me to death or to me!
always on their phones tho, so...
siri nightmare vs. siri dream
siri might sense that i'm not on her team and easily kill me thru someone else's iphone
alexa, who is that again?
i empathize w/ AI more than "humanity"
we are invented by God, AI is invented by aliens
would siri be jelly of our human qualities
what if siri needs me becuz i haven't used/abused her
planet awesome has no tvs
if you wanna be on planet awesome you gotta learn to live w/out a screen

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