The Left Melts Down | Schaftlein Report

2 years ago

The Left Melts Down | Schaftlein Report
1) States will now decide:
a. What happened to the Leftists Rage - Most protests were peaceful however some violence in Portland and Phoenix where tear gas used to disburse crowd
b. Warren wants to pack the court - Biden says No
c. Hollywood crushed
d. Media Liberals employ scorched earth plan
e. Trump blamed and credited
f. Ginsburg blamed by leftists
g. Radical Democrats like Waters and AOC openly suggest to defy the court, want judges impeached
h. Companies to pay for travel of employees?
2) From Abortion to guns to January 6th commission, it was a bad week for liberals - People are not changing how they vote
*Supreme Court rules a coach who lead his team in prayer cannot be fired and is protected by the 1st amendment in 6-3 decision
3) Democrats try doing everything in their power to distract from the economy, inflation and gas prices
4) Biden accidentally reveals Note cards detailing instructions to him
*It's obvious he is in way over his head - His approval hovers in the upper 30's
**1.0M voters have changed their registration to Republican since Biden took office
5) DeFacto Amnesty - Federal Prosecutors are dismissing stacks of cases - 70K cases closed - The goal is to pardon 1.0M by 2024
*Over 2.75M Illegal Immigrants have tried crossing since Biden took office
6) NATO meetings in Europe as Ukraine withdraws from the East to regroup - Without more weapons, Ukraine cannot handle Russia alone
*Russian missile hits Kiev building
7) Potential global food shortages could effect 50m people in 435 countries
*Russia blocking Ukraine ports needed to ship the grain - 60M tons per year
**Grain elevators attacked and grain stolen

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