Quickbuttons for Blender V.4 all Buttons in Layer 5 and 6

4 years ago

Quickbuttons is an AddOn for Blender.
Its available at the Blender-Market here:

Quickbuttons gives you (in V.4) 6 Layers with fully configurable Buttons.
Each of them with multiple usage.

LAYER 5 contains Buttons that:
- Active Camera point at (2 Versions, with Zoom and without)
- Set Delete Keyframes (All, only at Animation-Pointer)
and that for the Camera or for selected Objects.
- And the "Rigid-Body bake to Keyframe" Button.

Layer 6 contains mostly:
- Alignment Buttons
- UNDO-Buttons for selective UNDO of Rotation or Movement or Scaling.
All these Buttons get explained in the Video.

In this Video we will quickly go through Layer 5 and 6 and show all Buttons that need an Explanation.

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