Alex Gladstein on Blockchain and Tyranny Vs. Bitcoin and Freedom

4 years ago

In this episode, Dave talks with Alex Gladstein about the recent news that China and President Xi Jinping, have publicly expressed admiration for blockchain technology. This news spiked the Bitcoin price at the beginning of November, but Gladstein is weary for what China's public praise could mean for cryptocurrency in general.

Gladstein recognizes that blockchain technology by itself is really just a mechanism for control and surveillance of financial data. He believes from a human rights perspective that the real value of the blockchain comes from decentralization, which is essential to Democracy. He states that Bitcoin is the greatest example of a decentralized blockchain and that in the wrong hands, this technology would be used as a tool for tyranny instead of freedom.

In China, It's Blockchain and Tyranny vs Bitcoin and Freedom Twitter:

Dave Hollerith (@DsHollers) Alex Gladstein (@gladstein) Sponsors:

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