[Deprogrammed] SJWs in Sandia: A chat with Casey Petersen

4 years ago

Carter and Keri speak with Casey Petersen. Casey is a researcher at Sandia National Labs in New Mexico who recently took a public stand against the Critical Race Theory being pushed by Sandia's HR department. He emailed over 16,000 employees and contractors and has since been put on paid administrative leave.

The two videos Casey mentioned during the interview are:
Systemic Racism Explained:

Racism by the Numbers:

You can follow Casey on Twitter at:

Or visit his YouTube channel, Data Drive Conclusions:

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About Deprogrammed
Hosted by former SJW Keri Smith, "Deprogrammed" is dedicated to unravelling Keri's former ideology.

We'll explore the philosophy, strategy, and tactics that intersectional ideologues use to program "Social Justice Warriors," turning otherwise thoughtful, critically-minded individuals into armies of extreme leftist NPCs. Some episodes are interviews with special guests, and others are deep-dives into a different aspect of "social justice" culture, drawing both from Keri's personal experience as well as current events.

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