Don't Meet Your Heroes. BE THE HERO!

4 years ago

People have been wondering what is the best way to live for centuries.

Our channel was started nearly one year ago to help people discover the greatest version of themselves.

We believe this video today titled “Don’t meet your heroes” is a huge step in that direction.

The goal of our lives should never be fixated on the outcome of meeting our heroes.


They are human beings just like us faults and all.

The far better way to live is to label your first alarm (three alarm video) "Be a Hero Today!" And to go out and be a hero to your families, your friends , your team, your loved ones and your community.

If you are willing to do this, you will lead a life uncommon, you will Get Out of the Porta Potty, and be happier than you ever imagined.

You won’t have to wait for a miracle. You will be the miracle.

Love and live like your life matters because it does.

Jandhi and Kaylee

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