Teal Swan Psychic Reading & Satanic Ritual Abuse Claims

4 years ago

Teal Swan is a new age healer that I have known as a philosopher and enlightenment coach online for years without ever knowing about her satanic ritual abuse claims. I used to watch her videos and then stopped after getting tired of hearing her opinions and explanations that I don't always vibe well with. I felt like she was becoming a guru type of personality which is something I avoid because I can own my own crown chakra, I don't need someone else to be my crown chakra for me like a guru would. True enlightenment doesn't come from following someone, it comes from within. Regardless she is a very compassionate person with some serious tragedy in her past that I can see clairvoyantly as making her weak i her present life situations, even though she is very strong in a different regard towards floating rather than sinking and there is a bright sunny side to it all that is beautiful. If you have further suggestions for psychic readings and psychic insights that you would like me to make videos about please comment below.

For private readings and more info: http://psychictai.yolasite.com/
What is a reading like?
Not all psychics read the same.
*I will not tell you what to do or try to predict your future.
*I do not use tarot cards or any tools besides my clairvoyance.
The way I read energy is by seeing pictures in my mind, you could call them visions if you like. These pictures are somewhat symbolic but sometimes literal as well. Relaying these images can be very therapeutic and informative. It may even allow you to choose a better direction in life as readings have done for me only to find out later how much better my choices have become.
One hour readings: $65
Live readings are focused on introspection and energy rather than the physical realm. If you are seeking answers then the written readings may be a better choice for you. I do not give future predictions, but I can identify and help transmute the energetic influences to guide to a better future.

Readings are available over the phone, zoom, or skype. I prefer Zoom or Skype because they allow you to record the video of our session for you to keep. We will be connecting to your spiritual truth, so please be ready to be focused within yourself. Other outside influences will get in the way of you connecting with your truth. Please have the whole time available where you will not be distracted by anyone. I ask that this be in a private area (not in a car). There will be no effort needed from you except to relax and let me do the work.
Written readings: $25 or $50
This is better for those seeking answers to a question rather than seeking spiritual introspection. I still do not give future predictions, but I can help illuminate the energetic influences to guide to a better future.

Written claivoyant insights about whatever subjects you have questions about. Simply let me know what you are interested in knowing about.

E-mail or phone text: 3 questions for $25 or 6 for $50.

I will supply at least one paragraph for each question/subject. If you have a yes or no question I will respond with a long explanation of what comes up and leave it up to you to determine what you think. In rare instances it may be obvious and I may just say yes or no (including further explanation).

Now offering energy healings: 30 minutes for only$25!

I will explain what energies I am healing as I do it. Online only for now through Zoom or Skype. Energy is not limited through space. Look up "quantum entanglement" to explore this concept from a scientific perspective.

I send out gold healing energy from my hands that go through space effortlessly. It is set at the frequency of forgiveness. I think of it as a massage for the energy body, but it is also very healing to emotions as well and sometimes may even help with the physical body. If you feel stuck in a rut then this is perfect to get energy in movement again!

This is not intended to be a treatment only to those suffering and can be enjoyed by those flourishing in their life as well to be filled with even more radiance, forgiveness, and your truth at spirit!


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