DINICOLANTONIO 1 | MD’s MYOPIC VIEW: cut salt…increase stress; artery hormones, insulin resistance!

2 years ago

presents episode 493 | Dr James DiNicolantonio
High Intensity Health podcast

Go to doctor with high blood
pressure, first thing told:
"Cut your salt intake"
-my patients would say:
"feel terrible"
-would pass out
(it bottoms out your blood VOLUME)
-'Low Salt Guidelines' were not matching the results of patients
-patients, following doctor's updated advice, added salt back in...
~the instantly felt much better...even with atrial fibrillation:
-their episodes would almost all go away

Evidence supporting low-salt guidelines...
-Level 'C', just expert OPINION
-not human randomized, control trials
Research showed:
-not just that evidence did not suggest
low salt was the correct advice...
"Looking at real world population,
there is so much harm you can see"

20% of people with normal blood pressure
are 'salt sensitive'
(will see significant reduction in blood pressure)
"I think reducing salt intake is harmful...
you are decreasing blood volume & are
dehydrating the patient!"
To lower blood pressure:
-improve insulin sensitivity
-increase dilation of arteries and
-increase nitric oxide

When you reduce sodium to 3000mg/day...
-all stress hormones increase to try to
retain that salt
-these are artery-stiffening hormones:
~renin; aldosterone; angiotensin II
-heart rate increasing hormones:
~noradrenaline; adrenaline
-All go up 10 to 20 times!
"To think that small reduction in blood pressure (harmful) could offset
all the increase in stress, artery-stiffening & heart rate hormones,
and INSULIN RESISTANCE goes up as well, is myopically looking at
one surrogate marker"


Bare Performance Podcast on Youtube\

Original Youtube: https://youtu.be/sOdNCDdYbZc
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