American Dharma - The Creation of Ascension Pt. 2

4 years ago

The Creation of 'Ascension' pt 2

Harkening back to 12-28-19 for this special Behind the Scenes w A.D.!

It was such a joy to capture this magical moment when Jesse played w glee this most brain-scrambling moment of 'Ascension'.

With Holiday cheer still in the air, elves and hobbits and lizard people alike shared a moment of reflection with the band. The intro to Cosmosis rang in the air as we transitioned from one universe to the next by way of wormholes opened through Jesse's wizard-like weilding of feedback.

We're back now, and Cosmosis is complete! 💫

Hear it now everywhere music is found. Now Streaming on Spotify, and downloadable via link in bio! 💛🤘


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