09/07/20 Mon. Nekkid Rioters, Violent Words, Symone Sanders

4 years ago

The Hake Report, Monday, September 7, 2020:
Adult kids living with parents over Covid.
Trump didn’t/doesn’t disrespect real American fallen soldiers
Rochester riots; Rioting NYC gal; Portland is a mess
Laughable headlines from TMZ: Jacob Blake calling for people to value life. Candace Owens is right about Cardi B / Joe Biden.
Biden staffer, the Bernie traitor, Symone Sanders hates America (CLIP) … Recall the Trump voter carjacked in Chicago in 2016! And it’s only gotten worse today!
...and more!

Samuel from Sweden talks about moral decline, and corona updates.
Richard from North Carolina talks to James!
Marty from Kansas City, MO also talks to Hake! Thanks!
Justin from Texas talks about riots across America. He’s 17.
Maze from Dayton, OH, calls toward the very end

BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2020/9/7/090720-mon-nekkid-rioters-violent-words-symone-sanders

0:00 Show opening
2:55 Adult children at home
16:52 Reporters vs Trump on military
37:57 Samuel from Sweden
45:51 Richard from NC
52:20 Marty from Kansas City, MO
57:59 Transition to Hour 2
1:04:02 Rochester, BLM, psh!
1:15:07 Rich NYC young woman
1:21:50 Justin from TX
1:29:10 Symone Sanders, leftist liar
1:46:29 Stephen A. Super Chats
1:50:42 Maze from Dayton, OH
1:56:22 Candace Owens v Cardi B
2:00:30 Happy Labor Day

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church with for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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