Honestly Expressing! - What You Say Matters

4 years ago

Singer-Songwriter Jami Lula has been using lyrics for years to get his message out. The first time I heard his song “Spirit Is In The House,” it connected with me deeply. The funny thing – there’s a good chance the story and meaning behind his song is not the same as my meaning. That’s common for music and for day to day communication.

Would you agree, much of what is said gets misunderstood?

Sometimes our words get twisted and turned around and become the cause of conflict.

So what’s the real cause of conflict here?
What we said or how it was taken, decoded, or translated.

Whether we are using songs and lyrics to get our message out or giving the takeout trash order to our kids, what we say matters, and it is “Always” subject to interpretation.

The way we experience the world is through language.
We interpret life in language. We interpret our emotions through language.
We use language to communicate what matters to us and get our needs met.

Saying what matters to you, speaking from the heart with clarity and integrity while staying curious, is what we will talk about in the next Curiosity Theory HANGOUT.

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