Freed From Worldly Attitudes by Zac Poonen

4 years ago

The world is filled with every evil under the sun. The attitudes of greed, lust, control, manipulation, and hate flood the feelings of our worldly life. How can you live free from these toxic attitudes?
#ZacPoonen #FreedomfromWorld #WorldlyAttitudes

God called brother Zac Poonen to a new work early on in his Christian experience. The movement is now called Christian Fellowship Churches where the New Covenant of New Testament Christianity is clearly preached.

Brother Zac Poonen has written 25 books most of them being on the deeper Christian life. Many of these have been translated into a number of languages and have been circulated widely around the world. He clearly and passionately shares the narrow way of Christian discipleship that is neglected by so many modern preachers.

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