Unlock the Bible Now!: The Heavens Declare Part XIV

2 years ago

The Heavens Declare Part 14

We conclude our series on the signs of the Mazzaroth (Zodiac) that tell the story of Christ in the stars! This study explores the sign of Leo.

Show Notes:
All references cited from The Witness of the Stars by E. W. Bullinger:

“Here we come to the end of the circle. We began with Virgo, and we end with Leo. No one who has followed our interpretation can doubt that we have here the solving of the Riddle of the Sphinx. For its Head is Virgo and its Tail is Leo!
In Leo we reach the end of the Revelation as inspired in the Word of God; and it is the end as written in the heavens.”

“The time has at length come for the fulfilment of the many prophecies pictured in the heavens: and in its three final constellations we see the consummation of them all in the complete destruction of the Old Serpent, and all his seed, and all his works.”

Book 3: The Redeemer (His Second Coming)
Chapter 1 - Taurus
Chapter 2 - Gemini
Chapter 3 - Cancer
Chapter 4 - Leo

The 3rd book, Chapter 4: Leo - Hydra, Crater, Corvus

Leo: Messiah's Consummated Triumph
The sign is a lion in all the ancient zodiacs:
Denderah, Esneh (Egypt) - where he is treading upon a serpent, and Hindu (India)

Leo: (other names)
Pi Mentekeon (Egyptian) - pouring out
Knew (Egyptian) - who conquers
Arieh (Hebrew) - the lion hunting its prey
Aryo (Syriac) - the rending lion
Al Asad (Arabic) - a lion leaping as a flame

Stars in Leo:
Regulus (Latin) - treading under foot (Cor Leonis; the heart of the lion)
Denebola - the judge or lord who cometh
Al Giebha (Arabic) - the exaltation
Zosma - shining forth
Sarcam (Hebrew) - the joining
Minchir al Asad (Arabic) - the punishing or tearing of the lion
Deneb Aleced (Arabic) - the judge cometh who seizes
Al Dafera (Arabic) - the enemy put down

The 1st constellation of Leo - Hydra, the Serpent

Stars in Hydra:
Al Phard (Arabic) - the separated, put away
Al Drian (Arabic) - the abhorred
Minchar al Sugia - the piercing of the deceiver

The 2nd constellation of Leo - Crater, the Cup

Stars in Crater (The Cup of Divine wrath Poured out upon Him):
Al Ches - the cup

The 3rd constellation of Leo - Corvus, the Raven

Corvus (other names):
Her-na (Zodiac of Denderah) - breaking up the enemy

Stars in Corvus (The Birds of Prey devouring the Serpent):
Al Chibar (Arabic) - joining together (from Chiba (Her.) - accursed)
Al Goreb (Arabic) - the raven
Minchar al Gorab - the raven tearing to pieces

Scripture References:
All Scripture references are cited from a King James Bible:

Psalm 19:1-14, Job 38:30-33, Numbers 2:1-2, Genesis 49:8-9, Numbers 24:8-9, Amos 3:4, 8,
Isaiah 42:13, Revelation 5:4-5, Psalm 75:8, Psalm 11:6, Revelation 14:9-11, Revelation 16:19,
1 Samuel 17:46-47, Matthew 24:27-28, Revelation 19:17-18, Jeremiah 25:30-33

The world existed for 2,500 years without a written record of God’s Word, but the stars told the story of redemption and the coming Christ who will be King! The heaven’s declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork!

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