Unlock the Bible Now!: Because of the Angels

3 years ago

Because of the Angels Show Notes

Current events, including wars, pandemics, and civil unrest, are designed to distract you from the spiritual battle taking place. Don’t be fooled, and don’t listen to a single word of the so-called media. Angels are fighting for control of this world, and their human proxies are either the instigators or creating the victims.

Show Notes:
Fallen Angels:
    •    Are watching us and human women
    •    1/3 joined the serpent in rebellion
    •    Took wives before the flood who bore giants
    •    These angels sinned and were chained in hell
    •    Christ said the days of Noah will repeat (with other fallen angels)
    •    Will attempt to take wives again
    •    Appear to be motivated by money (power)
    •    Rule this world
    •    Fight amongst themselves vying for control
    •    Wish to sire sons (to reign on earth) and have in the past (The Assyrian)

    •    The American Empire is falling (with its satanic angel prince)
    •    Another Empire is about to take its place (another satanic angel prince)
    •    Satanic angels fight to be the fathers of the 10 kings
    •    Satan himself (a fallen angel) will father the antichrist
    •    All of the above will end up in the lake of fire
    •    Political events are not at all what you are being told

Scripture References:
All Scripture references are cited from a King James Bible:

1 Corinthians 11:8-12, Revelation 12:3-4, Genesis 6:1-4, 2 Peter 2:4-5, Matthew 24:36-39,
Daniel 2:43, 1 Timothy 6:10, Ephesians 6:12, Daniel 10:12-13, Daniel 10:20-21, Ezekiel 31:3-5,
Ezekiel 31:13-17, Psalm 82:1-8, Revelation 17:12-14, Jude 1:5-13, Revelation 12:7-9,
Matthew 25:41, Psalm 20:6-9

We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers! Fallen angels even fight amongst themselves to be the next in line under satan. Empires rise and fall, and their angelic princes are replaced! The American satanic prince is about to be replaced as the US Hegemony crumbles. Get ready and don’t be deceived by pundits and their lies! Christ is the only hope in this world.

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