Unlock the Bible Now!: The Heavens Declare Part XIII

2 years ago

The Heavens Declare Part 13

We continue our series on the signs of the Mazzaroth (Zodiac) that tell the story of Christ in the stars! This study explores the sign of Cancer.

Show Notes:
All references cited from The Witness of the Stars by E. W. Bullinger:

“North and south of the nebula Praesepe are two stars, which Orientalists speak of by a name evidently of some antiquity. Asellus means an Ass, and one was called Asellus Boreas, the northern Ass; while the other, Asellus Australis, is the southern Ass.
The sign was afterwards known by the symbol "69" (on its side)
which stands for these two asses. This connects it with the Tribe of Issachar, who is said to have borne upon the Tribal standard the sign of two asses.”

“It is sufficient to point to the fact that no Bear is found in any Chaldean, Egyptian, Persian, or Indian Zodiacs, and that no bear was ever seen with such a tail! No one who had ever seen a bear would have called attention to a tail, such as no bear ever had, by placing in its very tip the most important, wondrous, and mysterious Polar Star, the central star of the heavens, round which all others revolve. The patriarchal astronomers, we may be sure, committed no such folly as this.”

Book 3: The Redeemer (His Second Coming)
Chapter 1 - Taurus
Chapter 2 - Gemini
Chapter 3 - Cancer
Chapter 4 - Leo

The 3rd book, Chapter 3: Cancer - Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, Arco (Argo)

Cancer: The Crab - Messiah’s Redeemed Possessions Held Fast
Scarabeus - sacred beetle (same symbol in the Hindu Zodiac and Zodiac of Denderah)

Cancer: (other names)
Klaria (Egyptian) - the cattle folds
Al Sartan (Arabic) - who holds or binds
Sartano (Syriac) - to bind together
Karkinos (Greek) - holding or encircling
Cancer (Latin) - Khan (inn or traveler’s rest) Ker (encircling)
Su-kul-na (Akkadian) - the seizer or possessor of seed

Stars in Cancer:
Praesepe (star cluster) - multitude, offspring
Tegmine - holding
Acubene (Hebrew/Arabic) - the shelter or hiding place
Ma’alaph (Arabic) - assembled thousands
Al Himarein (Arabic) - the kids or lambs

The 1st constellation of Cancer - Ursa Minor, the Little Bear (The Lesser Sheepfold)

Ursa Minor: (other names)
Dubheh - a herd of animals; (Arabic - Dubai: cattle)
Dōhver (Hebrew) - a fold, wealth
Dōhveh (Hebrew) - rest or security

Stars in Ursa Minor:
Al Ruccaba (Arabic) - the turned or ridden on (the Polar Star)
Kochab - waiting Him who cometh
Al Pherkadain (Arabic) - the calves or the young
Al Gedi - the kid
Al Kaid - the assembled
Arctos - a traveling company

The 2nd constellation of Cancer - Ursa Major, the Great Bear (The Fold and the Flock)

Ursa Major: (other names)
Arcturus (Hebrew: ʿayiš) - The Great Bear constellation
Al Naish (Arabic) - The assembled together
Septentriones (Latin) - north

Stars in Ursa Major:
Dubhe (Arabic) - a herd of animals
Merach (Arabic/Hebrew) - the flock, purchased
Phaeda - visited, guarded or numbered
Alioth - a she-goat
Mizar - separate or small
Al Cor - the lamb
El Alcola (Arabic) - the sheep fold
Cab'd al Asad - multitude, many assembled
Megrez - separated
El Kaphra - protected, covered

The 3rd constellation of Cancer - Argo, the Ship (the Pilgrims Safe at Home)
Argo - company of travelers

Stars in Argo:
Canopus - the possession of Him who cometh
Sephina - the multitude or abundance
Tureis - the possession
Asmidiska - the released who travel
Soheil - the desired
Subilon - the branch

Scripture References:
All Scripture references are cited from a King James Bible:

Psalm 19:1-14, Job 38:30-33, Genesis 49:14-15, John 14:1-3, John 10:14-16,
Hebrews 11:10-16, Luke 12:32, Job 38:32, Jeremiah 31:10-12, Ezekiel 34:12-16b,
Isaiah 35:10, Isaiah 51:9-11, Jeremiah 30:10-11, Isaiah 60:4-6, Ephesians 1:9-11

The world existed for 2,500 years without a written record of God’s Word, but the stars told the story of redemption and the coming Christ who will be King! The heaven’s declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork!

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