Unlock the Bible Now!: The Heavens Declare Part IX

3 years ago

The Heavens Declare Part 9


We continue our series on the signs of the Mazzaroth (Zodiac) that tell the story of Christ in the stars! This study explores the sign of Pisces.

Show Notes:

All references cited from The Witness of the Stars by E. W. Bullinger:

The 2nd book, Chapter 3: :Pisces - The Band, Andromeda, Cepheus

Pisces: The Blessings of the Redeemed in abeyance
Pi-Cot Or (Egyptian) - the fishes of Him that cometh
Dagim (Hebrew) - the fishes (multitudes)
Nuno (Syriac) - the fish lengthened out (as in posterity)

Stars in Pisces:
Okda (Hebrew) - the united
Al Samaca (Arabic) - the upheld

The 1st constellation of Pisces - The Band (The redeemed bound but binding their enemy)
The Band: (other names)
U-or (Egyptian) - he cometh
Al Risha (Arabic) - the bond or bridle

The 2nd constellation of Pisces - Andromeda (The Chained Woman)
Andromeda: (other names)
Set (Egyptian) - set up as a queen
Sirra (Hebrew) - the chained
Persea (Hebrew) - the stretched out

Stars in Andromeda:
Al Phiratz (Arabic) - the broken down
Mirach (Hebrew) - the weak
Al Amak (Arabic) - struck down
Adhil, Mizar, Al Mara (Arabic) - the afflicted, the weak

The 3rd constellation of Pisces - Cepheus (the king)
Other names of Cepheus:
Pe-ku-hor (Egyptian) - this one cometh to rule
Cepheus (Greek) - the branch
Hyk (Ethiopian) - the king

Stars in Cepheus:
Al Deramin (Arabic) - coming quickly
Al Phirk (Arabic) - the redeemer
Al Rai (Arabic) - who bruises or breaks

Scripture References:

All Scripture references are cited from a King James Bible:

Psalm 19:1-14, Job 38:30-33, Genesis 32:9-12, Ezekiel 47:8-9, Isaiah 61:9,

Ezekiel 37:16-22, Isaiah 41:8-10, Hosea 11:4, Isaiah 54:8-14, Isaiah 51:21-52:2,

Hosea 5:15, Jeremiah 23:5, Isaiah 59:20


The world existed for 2,500 years without a written record of God’s Word, but the stars told the story of redemption and the coming Christ who will be King! The heaven’s declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork!


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