Unlock the Bible Now!: Knowing Peace

2 years ago

Knowing Peace Show Notes

The world wants you to believe that peace can be achieved if we unite in a global government under wise, benevolent leaders and corporate oligarchs who will make tough decisions for us. But this promised utopia is a lie! The only peace this earth will ever know is going to come from the Prince of Peace; the Lord Jesus Christ. Today we discuss knowing the peace of God.

Show Notes:
Paul mentioned peace from God in the salutation of every epistle he wrote.

Scripture References:
All Scripture references are cited from a King James Bible.
I use a Tyndale printed King James that can be found here:


Romans 1:7, Ephesians 6:15, Romans 5:1-5, Luke 1:76-79, Luke 2:13-14, Acts 10:36-38,
Matthew 10:34-36, Romans 3:10-18, Romans 16:20, Psalm 29:11, Isaiah 2:2-4, Isaiah 9:6-7,
Philippians 4:8-9, Philippians 4:6-7, Colossians 3:15-17, Psalm 11:1-7, Psalm 75:1-8,
1 Thessalonians 5:23, Romans 8:28

You cannot know the peace OF God until you have peace WITH God. That peace is only to be found through trusting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Then, regardless of the condition of the world, you will have the peace in knowing all things will work together for you!

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