The Helmet of Salvation Part 2 / 救恩的頭盔 第二堂 (Doug Riggs)

2 years ago

Translation by Michael Shi

對於任何認為「 災前被提」的信念很無聊的人——認為這教義無非是陳腔濫調——斷然不是,這教義需要我們再三反思。將之改稱為「主再來前的被提日子」其實更加貼切。聖經學者和學生一旦接受這一清晰而令人耳目一新的信息,關於「基督的日子」和 「主的日子」的明顯區別時,就很難接受任何其它的解法。

儘管教會勢必面臨磨難,但當新婦為期待已久的新郎做好準備時,隨之還有即將降臨地球的震怒,以預備好以色列和列國。我們將面對的問題不是 「屬肉體的教會」是否會在主的日子期間經歷一系列不確定和令人困惑的煉淨(局部被提論),而是我們是否會參與在即將到來的 「邪惡的日子 (磨難的日子)」而變成從中倖存下來的餘民?

救恩頭盔的盼望,就是我們準備妥當和心存憧憬的人對神的拯救的應許的應驗懷有「既欣喜又確信的期待」。那個應許就是: 「我們活著還存留(倖存)的人將被提(得蒙拯救)...... ……在空中與主相遇」!

Originally presented on Georgene Hughes' Byte Show podcast - Speaker: Pastor Doug Riggs

Download pdf file of this book (free):

Also recommended: pdf file of The Helmet of Salvation (free):

The Helmet of Salvation - Session #2 (2nd of 2), by Bible Teacher Doug Riggs.

This thorough and compelling message is timely and relevant as we face the coming days of persecution, purging and preparation for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ - first for the church - then for Israel and the Nations who place their faith in our beloved Redeemer and Savior. Are you wearing the Helmet of Salvation?

For any who think the "Pre-Tribulation Rapture" belief is boring - and so "yesterday" - think again. Better termed "Pre-Day of the Lord Rapture", bible scholars and students alike will have a hard time settling for anything less once they are introduced to this clear and refreshing message on the distinct difference from the "Day of Christ" and the "Day of the Lord".

Though the church certainly will face tribulation as the Bride prepares herself for her long-awaited Bridegroom, the wrath to come upon the earth to prepare Israel and the Nations is soon to follow. The question we will face isn't will the "carnal church" go through an uncertain and confusing series of purgings during the Day of the Lord (Partial Rapture theory), but will we make up the remnant who survives the coming "evil day"? The Helmet of Salvation is the hope - the joyous, confident expectation - of final deliverance for us who are ready and longing for the fulfillment of the promise: "we who are alive and remain (survive) will be caught up (rescued) ... to meet the Lord in the air"!

FINANCIAL NOTE: I started my website and my YouTube channel in 2011. Expenses include - internet, web hosting, cloud file storage, office and equipment requirements, etc. I'd always hoped I'd never end up as a commercial advertising nightmare for my visitors to have to navigate through to get to my resources. Consider supporting this effort? Go to LINK: - Thanks!

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