How to make a real Pizza made with sourdough at home

4 years ago

How to make a sourdough pizza at home like in a pizza oven in pizzeria

#sourdoughpizza #pizza #pizzaathome

As you already know my Grandpa Giuseppe was a baker too...

You might know me already and you know that I love to share my recipes, and here I wanted to give you my secret recipe.

900 gr white Kialla flour

200 gr spelt Kialla flour

700 ml water

135 gr sourdough starter

26 gr salt

3 gr malt or sugar

50 gr of olive oil


I make sure that I feed the starter twice before preparing the dough.

Once the starter is nice, bubbly and active, dissolve it in the water, add the malt and mix for a minute.

Add the flour like it is snowing very slightly so that on the way down it collects Oxygen and the dough will result much lighter.

Mix in the flour until the dough is a bit crumbly. Add now the salt and the olive oil.

Knead the dough for 2-4 minutes or until smooth. Wrap it and put it on the side for 15 minutes.

Past this time make sure you fold it every 10 minutes for at least 5 times. Now wrap it again and put in the fridge for the next 2 days. Long fermentation is the key to light and bubbly dough.

It's now 2 days forward, and your dough is very cold and mature. Leave it out and after the first hour, start folding it as mentioned above. If you have time give it enough folds for the first hours to create a great structure and a beautiful light crumb.

Rest for another 2 hours and as soon it starts showing signs of growth portion it, into 250 gr size balls. Roll them properly.

Cover them and let them rise or sit for about 2-3 hours.

Now roll it or stretch it as you like, leaving the nice authentic puffed crust. Top the pizza with your favourite ingredients and get ready for baking.

Set the oven at max temperature and bake between 5 to 10 minutes, or until it is golden and the cheese has melted.

Cut, enjoy and share

Sourdoughs bread was some of the most difficult dough I've have tried to achieve, but then suddenly I had a glimpse. Why not start by adapting a bread recipe to a pizza recipe and slowly adjust it to the necessity of the pizza requirements. I tried to make my secret dough using my wonderful active and ancient starter, which is fantastic for long fermentation and airy crumbs and crunchy crusts.

#sourdough bread




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