Ep. 5352 – Kevin Gosztola: Day Two of the Assange Extradition Hearing – 9/8/2020

4 years ago

Scott talks to Kevin Gosztola about day two of Julian Assange’s extradition hearing. Gosztola covers some of the highlights of the day’s proceedings, including witness testimony for Assange’s defense, the main purpose of which was to emphasize the fact that Assange’s behavior in running Wikileaks is not categorically different from any other journalistic practices as carried out by, say, the New York Times. Gosztola explains that the prosecution’s main strategy seems to be to emphasize these newer supposed hacking charges, which, though specious, distract from the plain fact that the charges under America’s Espionage Act are simply not credible.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/9-8-20-kevin-gosztola-day-two-of-the-assange-extradition-hearing/

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