Emuna & Unity weekly Class with Dedication to Oneness by Eli G!

4 years ago

The New Blessed Year 5781 has a beautiful hint in the two letters of פ & א = 81 Pidut & Achdut - The Redemptive #Unification #Flow! Let us explore real tools to tune into the Divine Blessings about to enter our lives even more enhanced, with a more soulful awareness, by bringing the teachings of #Emuna into our daily life! #ChaiElul
- Join our Weekly Emuna Class Monday starting 230 pm Israel Time approx by Eli Goldsmith - #HappyNewYear all from our Breslev Israel & Emuna Team - Listen to the Full #EmunaPodcast - https://anchor.fm/breslevisrael/episodes/Emuna-is-our-Future-with-Dedication-to-Oneness-ejk1eh Apologies for the Technical Issues the final Edited Version will be posted here soon...
Let us dedicate the new year to our mission with joyful #Emuna to do our purpose & fulfill our unique path together towards oneness! #CrowntheKing!

We want to thank all our special guests and #EmunaTeam who have joined us to make our 12 #EmunaClasses Q/A with #RavShalomArush - הרב שלום ארוש hosting us all together so #awesome & #inspiring!

Here is the playlist worth re-watching, liking, and sharing - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCXGtU6y_0mgx28d2hehPKQC6xVXvjHVY #tyHashem

We are looking forward to our new year of Emuna Classes including #EmunaClass #13! #Shanatova #SpecialGuests #TBA!
#IGlive #FBlive #YouTubelive #Emunalive #SpecialSpeaker #ShlomoKatz #MordechaibenAvraham #YosefDaniel #ShloimeZionce #EliezerKosoy #ElnatanMalul #MenachemHerman #AssafHarush #RabYonatanGaled #NissimBlack #BenBlackwell!

Q/A direct to Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il!
#specialguests TBA - #onlineteachings!

Listen kindly to our #UnitedSoulsCollaborationAlbum #1 - Out Now - http://sptfy.com/unitedsouls!
Join our #collabalbum #2 #unitedsouls -UnityInspiresProjects@Gmail.com!

Please click here to partner with us securely and receive Rabbi Arush's blessing - https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html!

For booking Unity Projects and Nissim Black please email - Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives!

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