Scamdemic by Red Red Rage

4 years ago

Scamdemic - Red Red Rage - new thrash metal band

Scamdemic (lyrics)

The pandemics at an end
But are you really sure?
Because your favorite band
Just canceled their world tour

Living on the dole
and you can't pay your rent
homeless everywhere
And Newsom's president

Gained 500 pounds
Because the gyms are closed
Eating on the sidewalk
When it's 33 below

You'll have to wear a mask
Till 6033
By the latest edict
Of King Anthony Fauchi


It's a Scamdemic
A god damn Plandemic
It's a Scamdemic
A god damn Plan demic


The pandemics over
Are you really sure?
You'll survive the covid
But get killed by the cure

No longer safe to go outside
The gang now run the streets
They've taken all our guns
And defunded the police

A mistake in the vaccine
Just stunted human birth
As the moon collides
With the half-dead eath

Sitting there, you wonder
How did things get this way?
But at least nobody died
With the Woo Flu today


It's a Scamdemic
A god damn Plandemic
It's a Scamdemic
A god damn Plandemic

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