What They Fear About You Pick a Card Tarot Reading

4 years ago

Find out what they fear about you in this pick a card reading. The tarot cards reveal what scares them about you and what might bring about a healthy level of respect from them. Choose a glitter spider or use the oracle to help pick the number of your pile.

As always, please take what resonates and make informed decisions in life. The cards only read potential, and our one true constant is change.

Feel free to share my channel or videos with anyone whom you believe would benefit from it. Thank you.

Chose a pile:

0. 00:00
Oracle: 01:25
One. 02:08
Two. 07:12
Three. 13:34
Four. 18:55
Five. 22:28

Book personal readings (16+): http://bit.ly/4tar0t

Gratuities can be paid via:
cashapp tag $f4llingst4r

Supply the channel some cards:
Wish list: https://amzn.to/35bGXsf
V's oracles: https://www.makeplayingcards.com/sell/vlovecrystals



Connect with me https://heylink.me/acurldiem/

#pickacard #whytheyfearmetarot #fallingstartarot

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