Christian Zionism & Settler Colonialism - Reverend Don Wagner

4 years ago

Rev. Donald E. Wagner, is the author of “Zionism and the Quest for Justice in the Holy Land.” Until recently, historical and political accounts of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have ignored or understated the influence of Christian Zionism in British and U.S. policy in the Middle East. Reverend Wagner examines Christian Zionism in relation to Britain’s 1917 Balfour Declaration during the British Empire and how “Manifest Destiny” and settler colonialism have influenced attitudes about Middle East policy in the United States.

Christians United for Israel (CUFI) has proclaimed itself the largest pro-Israel lobby in the United States. With its intimate partnership with AIPAC and various Zionist think tanks and lobby organizations, Christian Zionism’s political profile has been elevated to new heights during the Trump-Netanyahu alliance. But who is really setting the agenda? And at what cost? Have Christian evangelical leaders been a force on Capitol Hill, beyond urging its adherents to the ballot box? How do Christian Zionist lobbying expenditures stack up against Jewish Zionist organizations? What was Secretary of State Pompeo trying to accomplish by speaking to the Republican National Convention from Jerusalem?

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