[Deprogrammed] Monique Duson

4 years ago

In this episode, Keri and Carter chat with Monique Duson from the Center for Biblical Unity.

Chantal Monique Duson has a background in social service and children’s ministry. She has worked with a diverse array of under-served communities, and was a Missionary to South Africa for over 4 years, serving children and teachers impacted by drugs, violence, and trauma.

She also spent spent 2 decades advocating for Critical Race Theory (CRT), but through a series of events began to see the contradictions of CRT with the historic Christian worldview. She is now convinced that CRT is not the best way to achieve racial unity and actively speaks out against the use of CRT within the church. Monique's vision is to promote a vision for racial healing based on the historic Christian worldview.

She has a BA in Sociology from Biola University and is currently working on a MA in Theology from Talbot School of Theology.

You can find Monique online at:
Twitter: @therealmoniqued
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centerforbiblicalunity
YouTube: All The Things Show (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYendNtt3w7d2yzdutQ1UEQ)

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About Deprogrammed
Hosted by former SJW Keri Smith, "Deprogrammed" is dedicated to unravelling Keri's former ideology.

We'll explore the philosophy, strategy, and tactics that intersectional ideologues use to program "Social Justice Warriors," turning otherwise thoughtful, critically-minded individuals into armies of extreme leftist NPCs. Some episodes are interviews with special guests, and others are deep-dives into a different aspect of "social justice" culture, drawing both from Keri's personal experience as well as current events.

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