HAC Meeting Sept 17 2020 California Public Records Govt. Code §§6253, §§6254 and §§6255.

4 years ago

CHAT Session

From Me to Everyone: 06:04 PM
Campus Boundary Please define?
From gabrielle powell to Everyone: 06:04 PM
I will ask. I will also try to watch for raised hands.
From gabrielle powell to Everyone: 06:15 PM
yes they are
ticketing non permitted cars
I see your hand lori
From Me to Everyone: 06:19 PM
How is the Ventura EOC [Emergency Office} coordinating with UGLEN and CSUCI
From Me to Everyone: 06:39 PM
Is there a schedule published for each zones withi n UGLEN community between Twin Harbor and all the way to UGELN community?
By Zone
Has all the software update completed fro each zone which was budgeted?
29 software licenses
Which zones are being updated with "New Software Licenses"?
Once the software update is completed will it be automated? watering?
You will moitor the water usage to last gallon?
From Me to Everyone: 06:50 PM
Who will pay for the attorney ?
From Peak Marketing to Everyone: 06:53 PM
I concur with Gabrielle; I had the same takeaway. So, what exactly is the purpose of the CAG again?
From Me to Everyone: 06:55 PM
From Me to Everyone: 07:06 PM
Has any reviewed the latest "Guideline" on Halloween "Trick or Treat" by Dr.Levine
From Victoria Marley to Everyone: 07:12 PM
December is the middle of the fiscal year
that is correct
From Me to Everyone: 07:25 PM
10% = ? $$$$$
From Getty Tobey to Everyone: 07:27 PM
So the pool monitor equates to $4,800 per MONTH?
From gabrielle powell to Everyone: 07:27 PM
From Me to Everyone: 07:28 PM
Yep One FTE $57,000
From Getty Tobey to Everyone: 07:29 PM
Whoa, thank you
From Victoria Marley to Everyone: 07:29 PM
She's technically in a high risk job because of the current condition. I don't see that being a large amount.
From Getty Tobey to Everyone: 07:30 PM
Wasn’t questioning here ability was weighing the cost to keep the pool open
From Victoria Marley to Everyone: 07:31 PM
From gabrielle powell to Everyone: 07:31 PM
It's expensive but the residents want this amenity

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