John Coleman Founder Of The Weather Channel Schools Brian Stelter And CNN On Climate Change!

2 years ago

"I Resent You Calling Me A Denier. That Is Word Meant To Put Me Down."

"I'm A Skeptic About Climate Change And I Want To Make It Darn Clear, Mr. Kenny Is Not A Scientist. I Am. He's The CEO Of The Weather Channel Now. I Was The Founder Of The Weather Channel, Not The Co-founder."

"CNN Has Taken A Very Strong Position On Global Warming That Is -- That It Is A Consensus. Well, There Is No Consensus In Science. Science Isn't A Vote. Science Is About Facts."

"Climate Change Is Not Happening. There Is No Significant Manmade Global Warming Now. There Hasn't Been Any In The Past, And There's No Reason To Expect Any In The Future. There's A Whole Lot Of Baloney And, Yes, It Has Become A Big Political Point Of The Democratic Party And Part Of Their Platform, And I Regret It's Become Political Instead Of Scientific But The Science Is On My Side."

"The Government Puts Out About $2.5 Billion Directly For Climate Research Every Year. It Only Gives That Money To Scientists Who Will Produce Scientific Results That Support The Global Warming Hypothesis Of The Democrat Party Or Position."

"So, They Don't Have Any Choice. If You're Going To Get The Money, You Got To Support Their Position."

"Therefore, 97 Percent Of The Scientific Reports Published Support Global Warming. Why? Because Those Are The Ones The Government Pays For And That's Where The Money Is. It's Real Simple."

"But That Doesn't Mean It's Right. That Doesn't Make It True. That Only Makes It Bought And Paid For. The Money Goes In Circles."

Date Aired: November 02, 2014, On CNN

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